Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Mean Evil Swami

My Dad claims that he can read peoples faces. Face reading gives you insights into your own and others' character through an understanding of what their facial features reveal.

He forms his own opinion of a person through this divine power he claims to have. 
I basically interpret it as being a straight up asshole. 

So if he is meeting you for the first time he takes a long hard look at your face and then if he likes you he starts up a conversation.  If he gets a bad reading of your face and for some reason he doesn't like you, well then all hell breaks loose. He will just come out and say all kinds of mean things to you. He will say "I can tell that you are not a good person, believe me I know these things.  yes, yes you are a no good guy.  You look like you are not that smart and you are very bad person."
He has done this to me many of times when first meeting my friends.  I have been so angry and embarrassed by the fact that he verbally abuses my friends and he consider this the gift of face reading.

Therefore my dad is the mean evil Swami.  I have drawn a picture in relation to all this Swami madness. 

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